The St. John River watershed organization’s washing station is ideal for raising awareness about boat washing at its various boat ramps. Its gasoline pressure washer with a diesel burner makes it easy to operate, regardless of the location. This pressure washer was specifically chosen for its higher flow rate (5 GPM), which is the recommended flow rate in the fight against zebra mussels.

This station can clean boat interiors (livewells, jets, engine cooling and ballast tanks) and exteriors. This station also contains the technology to decontaminate water sports boats’ ballast tanks, one of the greatest vectors for the spread of invasive species. Several safety measures have been implemented to reduce any risk during the operation and travel.

The trailer was finished in partnership with the organization to send a message about the importance of washing, emptying and drying your watercraft.

The trailer was finished in partnership with the organization to send a message about the importance of washing, emptying and drying your watercraft.The trailer was finished in partnership with the organization to send a message about the importance of washing, emptying and drying your watercraft.