The decontamination station of the Municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Laus allows a complete decontamination of watercrafts with hot water.
The decontamination station of the Municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Laus allows a complete decontamination of watercrafts with hot water.
The decontamination station of the municipality of Notre Dame de la Merci allows a complete decontamination. The facilities are available to boaters.
The Municipality of Denholm’s decontamination station enables the complete decontamination of watercrafts. The trailer is available to boaters.
The decontamination station of the Municipality of Lac Sainte-Marie allows a complete decontamination of watercrafts. The facilities are available to boaters.
The station includes a secondary road, a polishing field, a pole with a rotating boom, a structure to place kayaks and paddles and a fixed decontamination equipment.